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Come evitare il plagio: parafrasare, citare e riassumere
Published: 21.12.2018
Plagiarism means that we take a work or an idea of someone else and present it as our own. To avoid plagiarism the document explains the basic concepts paraphrasing, quotation and summary. Please note that this material is very brief summary. It is not meant as a stand-alone learning material. It ma
„Warum zitieren?“ - Ein Erklärfilm
Published: 13.12.2018
Explainer video "Why Cite?" Citations in academic writing – we explain why they’re so important. Academic works use quotations to refer to the knowledge and results of other academics. Authors use supporting evidence and references to accurately label the content that they use. This is
Toolkit On Teacher Codes Of Conduct
Published: 12.12.2018
A toolkit to help users to design and effectively use teacher codes of conduct. It will help you find responses to key questions, i.e.: What is a teacher code of conduct? How to formulate its content? Who to involve in its development? What mechanisms for its application? What target audie
Webinar “Integrity in the Classroom”
Published: 07.12.2018
Webinar “Integrity in the Classroom” with presentations on: Academic Integrity Workshop for Secondary School Teachers (by Dlabolová Dita) It’s never too early to start educating our students about academic integrity! Despite the name,academic integrity isn’t limi
Webinar "Plagarism Awareness"
Published: 07.12.2018
Webinar “Plagiarism awareness” with presentations on: Technical vs. Policy Aspect of Plagiarism (by Foltýnek Tomáš)The presentation will introduce three layers for addressing plagiarism (methods, tools, and policies) and discuss all of them in detail. Special
Webinar "Tools Supporting Academic Integrity"
Published: 04.12.2018
Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity” with presentations on: Experiences in Establishing National Plagiarism Detection Systems Academic Integrity and Plagiarism on Slovenian Academic Institutions (Ojsteršek Milan) The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of
Webinar "Technology Enhanced Approaches for Creating Academic Integrity Awareness"
Published: 04.12.2018
Webinar “Technology enhanced approaches for creating academic integrity awareness” (Kokkinaki Angelika, Kleanthous Styliani)Based on an open Learning Management System (LMS), an open educational framework towards promotion of academic integrity has been designed and devel
Arbeitsblatt „Intertextuelle Fehler“ (Doktorarbeit)
Published: 07.11.2018
Ein Arbeitsblatt für Fortgeschrittene mit schwierigem Textbeispiel und Musterlösungen zu einem Plagiatsfall in einer Doktorarbeit.
Arbeitsblatt „Intertextuelle Fehler“
Published: 07.11.2018
Ein Arbeitsblatt als Übung für Lernende mit Musterlösungen zu häufigen intertextuellen Fehlern. Das Arebitsblatt enthält neun Aufgaben (16 Seiten), Gesamtbearbeitungsdauer ca. 30. Minuten.
Zitiertypencheck: Welcher Zitiertyp bin ich?
Published: 07.11.2018
Fragebogen/Selbsttest mit Feedback zum Thema Zitierverhalten. Der Selbsttest dient zum spielerischen Einstieg in eine Sitzung und in das Thema. Behandelt werden unter anderem die folgenden Fraqgen: Warum zitieren wir überhaupt? Welche Werte und Grundprinzipien liegen dem zugrunde? Wie k&ou