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Advisory statement for effective international practice
Published: 15.10.2018
This article looks at some actions taken to fight corruption at institutional and global levels, and proposes a way forward. More specifically, Combatting Corruption and Enhancing Integrity: A Contemporary Challenge for the Quality and Credibility of Higher Education.
Combating academic fraud: towards a culture of integrity
Published: 15.10.2018
It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies.
Published: 15.10.2018
Sanctions and respective treatments in case of plagiarism or academic fraud, Art. 100
Preguntas frecuentes
Published: 15.10.2018
How to use sources without committing plagiarism + In what types of work and what information should I cite + self-plagiarism? + Disregard the eximed regulation of responsibility in the event of committing dishonest behavior + How to consult bibliographical sources in the library ? + How and where t
Lecciones aprendidas
Published: 15.10.2018
Some students wanted to contribute with their reflection on some dishonest practice in which they were involved as students of EAFIT. There are some letters presented by the students
Cartilla de citación Otras Voces
Published: 15.10.2018
What is plagiarism and how to avoid it, why do we cite, tipologies of citation.
Estrategias para evitar el plagio
Published: 15.10.2018
Recommendations or advice to help reinforce the message about Academic Integrity.
¿Qué hacer en caso de detectar conductas deshonestas?
Published: 15.10.2018
¿Qué hacer en caso de detectar conductas deshonestas? Aquí se explicarán algunos de los procedimientos a realizar en caso de detectar prácticas deshonestas. El primero de ellos es el proceso de denuncia.
Herramientas para detectar el plagio
Published: 15.10.2018
List of different programs for detection of plagiarism and fraud and citation and bibliographic reference.