Most viewed materials from past 30 days

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Integridad académica en mi labor docente

Published: 28.02.2021

Curso introductorio sobre integridad académica en la labor docente. El participante analizará los planteamientos relativos a la integridad académica desde su definición hasta su aplicación en la labor docente tomando en cuenta la importancia de su figura como profe

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A Guide to Identifying Predatory Journals and Publishers - Checklist

Published: 15.04.2024

This checklist is designed to guide researchers and authors in identifying potential predatory journals and/or publishers. Predatory journals and publishers are a concerning phenomenon in academic publishing. Identifying potentially predatory, poor quality or disreputable publishers / jou

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The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct (Interactive Movie)

Published: 12.05.2023

In "The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct," you become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship res

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The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

Published: 06.08.2019

The linked webpage contains the links to the Code in all the above-mentioned languages. The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity serves the European research community as a framework for self-regulation across all scientific and scholarly disciplines and for all research settings.

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Avoiding Predatory Journals and Questionable Conferences: A Resource Guide

Published: 18.03.2024

Purpose: The goal of this guide is to provide a clear overview of the topics of predatoryjournals and questionable conferences and advice on how to avoid them. This guideintentionally adopts a plain language approach to ensure it is accessible to readers with avariety English language proficiency le

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Checklists on academic and research integrity in thesis writing

Published: 24.10.2022

Three brief checklists focused on academic and research integrity. The first is intended for master students writing their own thesis, the other one is for PhD students writing and publishing their first paper and the third one is for their supervisors. The checklists guide the student or superviso

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Interpreting Similarity Reports

Published: 09.09.2021

Slides (and structure) of a workshop focused on work with similarity reports from systems supporting plagiarism detection. There are three PDFs attached - they are the reports which will be used for the decisions.

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Jak se vyhnout plagiátorství

Published: 04.02.2021

Příručka pro studenty je výstupem centralizovaného rozvojového projektu MŠMT „Posílení prevence plagiátorství ve studentských pracích“ a představuje shodu autorského kolektivu z osmi českých u

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Paraphrase Practice

Published: 04.12.2019

This exercise is provided as an example and the given original text can and should easily bereplaced with a text which fits into the context of your subject matter. The exercise isintended to be used to support students in developing good paraphrasing skills. It addressesalso typical errors which ar

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Text Recycling Research Project

Published: 06.07.2021

The Text Recycling Research Project (TRRP) has just released guidelines and educational materials for editors and authors on text recycling in research writing:  Best Practices for ResearchersUnderstanding Text Recycling: A Guide for ResearchersUnderstanding Text Recycling: A Gui

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Understanding academic integrity

Published: 28.04.2021

TEQSA has developed these free resources to help strengthen academic integrity at Australian higher education institutions. These materials are free to use by students, academics and providers in-class, on campus or as part of student-focused communications on websites, intranets, in newsletters or

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Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen schlechter akademischer Praxis und Plagiarismus?

Published: 02.05.2019

Die Übung ist dazu gedacht, im Rahmen einer Lerneinheit zum Thema Schreiben, Zitieren, akademische Integrität oder Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten eingesetzt zu werden. Die Teilnehmer lesen die acht angegebenen Fälle und entscheiden nach ihrer eigenen Meinung, ob es

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Citace a práce se zdroji

Published: 30.09.2020

Materiál určený pro samostudium, pro distanční výuku.Je tvořený prezentací, která se odkazuje na dalšá konkrétní volně dostupné zdroje, které si studenti sami dostudují - konkrétní kapitol

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Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Game

Published: 26.04.2019

Interactive game about consequences of plagiarism, information sharing, unintentional plagiarism, forms of plagiarism and other related issues. The game is using the format of a TV show Jeopardy, it is freely available at and was created by an anonymous author. Basic game instruct

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Seneca’s Integrity Matters application

Published: 13.02.2021

Seneca’s Integrity Matters application (app) is intended to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of academic integrity that will help them make informed decisions.This app has been adapted from the University of Waterloo’s Foundations for Academic Success App, which was de

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Combating academic fraud: towards a culture of integrity

Published: 15.10.2018

It identifies major varieties of academic fraud such as cheating in high stakes examinations, plagiarism, credentials fraud, and misconduct in reform policies.

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Where is the borderline between poor academic practice and plagiarism?

Published: 22.06.2018

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Onlinekurs: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis

Published: 21.06.2021

Die Wissenschaft hat sich Regeln gegeben: die Prinzipien guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis. Sie zu kennen ist eine wichtige Orientierungshilfe, um Angst vor unbeabsichtigtem Fehlverhalten abzubauen. Der Onlinekurs Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis legt einen Grundstein für regelkonformes, eigenverant

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Kā izvairīties no plaģiātisma: parafrāzēšana, citēšana un apkopošana

Published: 04.02.2019

Plagiarism means that we take a work or an idea of someone else and present it as our own. To avoid plagiarism the document explains the basic concepts paraphrasing, quotation and summary. Please note that this material is very brief summary. It is not meant as a stand-alone learning material. It ma

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How to Avoid Plagiarism

Published: 04.02.2021

The student handbook is the output of the centralized development project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports "Strengthening the prevention of plagiarism in student work" and represents the agreement of the author's team from eight Czech universities. The content is based on a handbook fo

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Academic Integrity in Space

Published: 27.10.2020

Promote Academic Integrity and Policy 60 education through game play with the AIO's new resource: Academic Integrity in Space! Students go head-to-head with Captain Plague and the League of the Unearned to learn about academic integrity and to earn certificates from the planets Ethica, Originon, and

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Online Learning Tool for Research Integrity and Learning Processing

Published: 27.10.2020

This site explains what is appropriate in image processing in science and what is not. It also shows how best practices in handling images intersects with other best practices. The site provides: the twelve guidelines for best practices in image processing, with Photoshop vid

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Learning about the student's perspectives – Training module for HEI instructors

Published: 27.11.2019

Target group: Lecturers, demonstrators, academic enhancement officers, Head of the departments Learning objective(s): To provide understandings on student perceptions about plagiarism and academic integrity Educational format(s): Presentation, Discussion, and group work Duration: 90 minutes Reco

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Real-life example: Predatory journals practices

Published: 24.10.2019

Basic information Target audience: Higher education students (any level of studies). Summary: To alert scholars, especially novice authors, about unethical behaviour from journals and to recommend procedures and policies to be followed. Objective: To offer some guidance for authors and highligh

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Onde é a fronteira entre uma prática académica pobre e plágio?

Published: 19.08.2019

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Workshop: Kde je hranice plagiátorství?

Published: 07.03.2019

Prezentace (a zároveň osnova) k workshopu Kde je hranice plagiátorství? Cílem workshopu slouží je rozšíření znalostí o problematice plagiátorství, snažší orientace v této problematice a seznámen

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Educating yourself about plagiarism – Case studies on Grey areas

Published: 24.01.2019

Educating yourself about plagiarism – Case studies on Grey areas In this peer assisted, academic led workshop, students will discuss some common but difficult scenarios that might or might not be considered as academic misconduct or plagiarism. The aim of this exercise is to make them aware t

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Integridad desde la práctica

Published: 16.10.2018

In this section, you will find short conversations with some of the teachers of the institute, from their multidisciplinarity, on the Academic Integrity and its applicability in the different areas of knowledge.

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Tips for written work

Published: 15.10.2018

Organization of the text+Cohesion You will find some videos that may be helpful when building a text.

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Collusion versus collaboration

Published: 12.10.2018

Purpose of the case is to assist lecturers to work through their own policy and reflect on teaching and learning practices to address a seemingly simple case. The case study consists of: description (PDF), presentation (PPTX). Find more similar case studies at Academic Integri

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