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Príklad z reálneho života: Sladká pomsta
Published: 02.09.2019
Tento dokument je príkladom z reálneho života ilustrujúci dôležitosť hodnôt akademickej integrity v profesionálnom živote. Bol vytvorený ako súčasť Nástrojov pre medzisektorovú spoluprácu z hľadiska akademickej integrity
Príklad z reálneho života: Dôsledky jedného pochybenia
Published: 30.08.2019
Tento dokument je príkladom z reálneho života ilustrujúci dôležitosť hodnôt akademickej integrity v profesionálnom živote. Bol vytvorený ako súčasť Nástrojov pre medzisektorovú spoluprácu z hľadiska akademickej integrity
Esempi di vita reale: Le risposte ai dilemmi etici nella vita lavorativa possono avere conseguenze potenzialmente letali
Published: 29.08.2019
Questo documento è un esempio di vita reale che illustra l‘importanza dei valori dell‘integrità accademica nella vita professionale. È stato creato come parte di un kit di strumenti per la cooperazione intersettoriale in termini di integrità accademica nell'am
Wie man Plagiate vermeidet: Paraphrasieren, Zitieren und Zusammenfassen
Published: 19.08.2019
Plagiarism means that we take a work or an idea of someone else and present it as our own. To avoid plagiarism the document explains the basic concepts paraphrasing, quotation and summary. Please note that this material is very brief summary. It is not meant as a stand-alone learning material. It ma
Questões-chave para ajudar na avaliação da qualidade intertextual e formal de textos e suspeita de plágio
Published: 19.08.2019
These questions are set to help the assessors to identify the signs of plagiarism. This guide should be used as a whole to identify any potential plagiaristic behaviour.
Onde é a fronteira entre uma prática académica pobre e plágio?
Published: 19.08.2019
The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or
Critérios para avaliação da gravidade do plágio
Published: 19.08.2019
Papers presented with intertextually incorrect passages must, first, be judged by decision makers and be identified as plagiarism. The next step would be the clarification of the severity of such a violation in relation to the institutional definitions of good academic practice. The criteria can aid
Como funciona a deteção de plágio de textos
Published: 19.08.2019
This document provides really brief information on the text matching methods. The goal is to get the basic overview.
Como evitar o plágio: parafrasear, citar e resumir
Published: 19.08.2019
Plagiarism means that we take a work or an idea of someone else and present it as our own. To avoid plagiarism the document explains the basic concepts paraphrasing, quotation and summary. Please note that this material is very brief summary. It is not meant as a stand-alone learning material. It ma
20 najpogostejših medbesedilnih napak v pisnih izdelkih študentov na Pedagoški univerzi v Freiburgu (Freiburg University of Education)
Published: 14.08.2019
A total of 82 term papers and final theses at Freiburg University of Education, Freiburg, Germany, were examined 2014 – 2016 in terms of their intertextual quality. Of the 109 distinctions made between different types of intertextual errors that are known to us, 58 were detected in the student