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Academic integrity fairness transparency and plagiarism
Published: 17.09.2019
Higher education institutions (HEIs) have scarce public statistics on plagiarism on their websites. The statistics are virtually non-existent. That is my individual experience after I have been trying to find such statistics on the Internet. It seems to be a standard approach. However, is this &ldq
Absence of zero plagiarism?
Published: 17.09.2019
Have you ever seen statistics displaying zero plagiarism? Why is it absent? The originality check software is able to produce statistics, such as zero plagiarism in relation to the number of submitted documents under the assumption that it receives feedback from higher education institutions on eac
A new quality of plagiarism detection in sight
Published: 17.09.2019
Technology always helps plagiarists and, on the other hand, contributes to progress in plagiarism detection. The massive use of information and communication technology and Internet resulted in – among other things – faster spreading of plagiarism. Today the available advanced methods a
Is it life-threatening to investigate plagiarism?
Published: 17.09.2019
Yes, it can be. The following real life story will give you the overall picture what has happened. Emilia Șercan is an investigative journalist (for 22 years) working as an assistant professor (for 7 years) at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, Department of
For centuries is plagiarism is our companion
Published: 17.09.2019
Man – homo sapiens – is an inventive being solving many problems by “creativity” that is not in accord-ance with integrity, ethics and morality. Plagiarism is one example of such “creativity”. Higher education sector is active in plagiarism prevention and plagiari
Integrity is not a component of ethics, integrity is much
Published: 17.09.2019
The term “integrity” has its roots in French and Latin (14th century). Originally, the term was used meaning “innocence, blamelessness; chastity, purity” derived from Old French integrité or directly from Latin integritatem (nominative integritas) “soundness, who
Otázky plagiátorstva, etiky a integrity: definované a vysvetlené
Published: 17.09.2019
„... slovenskí študenti majú najvyššie povedomie o plagiátorstve spomedzi všetkých krajín EÚ.“ Je to zaväzujúce a je potrebné toto povedomie prehlbovať a dosiahnuť, aby aj ďalšie pojmy s&uacu
Akademická etika pre stredoškolákov
Published: 02.09.2019
Základná informácia Cieľová skupina: študenti stredných škôl, absolventi stredných škôl Zhrnutie: pomôcť pripraviť študentov na univerzitný alebo pracovný život Ciele: (1) zvýšiť
A resposta a dilemas éticos no mundo do trabalho pode ter consequências ameaçadoras para a vida
Published: 02.09.2019
Este documento é um exemplo da vida real que ilustra a importância dos valores da integridade académica na vida profissional. Foi criado como parte do kit de ferramentas para a cooperação intersectorial em termos de integridade académica no âmbito do pr
Príklad z reálneho života: Uznanie v tíme
Published: 02.09.2019
Tento dokument je príkladom z reálneho života ilustrujúci dôležitosť hodnôt akademickej integrity v profesionálnom živote. Bol vytvorený ako súčasť Nástrojov pre medzisektorovú spoluprácu z hľadiska akademickej integrity