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Paraphrase Practice

Published: 04.12.2019

This exercise is provided as an example and the given original text can and should easily bereplaced with a text which fits into the context of your subject matter. The exercise isintended to be used to support students in developing good paraphrasing skills. It addressesalso typical errors which ar

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Where is the borderline between poor academic practice and plagiarism?

Published: 22.06.2018

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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Citace a práce se zdroji

Published: 30.09.2020

Materiál určený pro samostudium, pro distanční výuku.Je tvořený prezentací, která se odkazuje na dalšá konkrétní volně dostupné zdroje, které si studenti sami dostudují - konkrétní kapitol

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Onde é a fronteira entre uma prática académica pobre e plágio?

Published: 19.08.2019

The exercise is intended to be used in the context of a learning unit on academic writing, referencing, academic integrity or introducing research skills. The students should read the eight specified cases and decide if they think this is a case of serious plagiarism, plagiarism, not plagiarism or

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A Guide to Identifying Predatory Journals and Publishers - Checklist

Published: 15.04.2024

This checklist is designed to guide researchers and authors in identifying potential predatory journals and/or publishers. Predatory journals and publishers are a concerning phenomenon in academic publishing. Identifying potentially predatory, poor quality or disreputable publishers / jou

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Avoiding Predatory Journals and Questionable Conferences: A Resource Guide

Published: 18.03.2024

Purpose: The goal of this guide is to provide a clear overview of the topics of predatoryjournals and questionable conferences and advice on how to avoid them. This guideintentionally adopts a plain language approach to ensure it is accessible to readers with avariety English language proficiency le

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The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct (Interactive Movie)

Published: 12.05.2023

In "The Lab: Avoiding Research Misconduct," you become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship res

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Checklists on academic and research integrity in thesis writing

Published: 24.10.2022

Three brief checklists focused on academic and research integrity. The first is intended for master students writing their own thesis, the other one is for PhD students writing and publishing their first paper and the third one is for their supervisors. The checklists guide the student or superviso

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Interpreting Similarity Reports

Published: 09.09.2021

Slides (and structure) of a workshop focused on work with similarity reports from systems supporting plagiarism detection. There are three PDFs attached - they are the reports which will be used for the decisions.

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Text Recycling Research Project

Published: 06.07.2021

The Text Recycling Research Project (TRRP) has just released guidelines and educational materials for editors and authors on text recycling in research writing:  Best Practices for ResearchersUnderstanding Text Recycling: A Guide for ResearchersUnderstanding Text Recycling: A Gui

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