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Onlinekurs: Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis
Published: 21.06.2021
Die Wissenschaft hat sich Regeln gegeben: die Prinzipien guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis. Sie zu kennen ist eine wichtige Orientierungshilfe, um Angst vor unbeabsichtigtem Fehlverhalten abzubauen. Der Onlinekurs Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis legt einen Grundstein für regelkonformes, eigenverant
Understanding academic integrity
Published: 28.04.2021
TEQSA has developed these free resources to help strengthen academic integrity at Australian higher education institutions. These materials are free to use by students, academics and providers in-class, on campus or as part of student-focused communications on websites, intranets, in newsletters or
Integridad académica en mi labor docente
Published: 28.02.2021
Curso introductorio sobre integridad académica en la labor docente. El participante analizará los planteamientos relativos a la integridad académica desde su definición hasta su aplicación en la labor docente tomando en cuenta la importancia de su figura como profe
Seneca’s Integrity Matters application
Published: 13.02.2021
Seneca’s Integrity Matters application (app) is intended to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of academic integrity that will help them make informed decisions.This app has been adapted from the University of Waterloo’s Foundations for Academic Success App, which was de
Integrity Matters Mobile Application
Published: 13.02.2021
The Integrity Matters Mobile Application, made possible by an eCampus Research and Innovation grant, is an innovative and interactive app developed to enhance student academic integrity knowledge. The app gives students an overview of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI)
Jak se vyhnout plagiátorství
Published: 04.02.2021
Příručka pro studenty je výstupem centralizovaného rozvojového projektu MŠMT „Posílení prevence plagiátorství ve studentských pracích“ a představuje shodu autorského kolektivu z osmi českých u
How to Avoid Plagiarism
Published: 04.02.2021
The student handbook is the output of the centralized development project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports "Strengthening the prevention of plagiarism in student work" and represents the agreement of the author's team from eight Czech universities. The content is based on a handbook fo
Jak předcházet plagiátorství ve studentských pracích
Published: 04.02.2021
Příručka pro akademické pracovníky je výstupem centralizovaného rozvojového projektu MŠMT „Posílení prevence plagiátorství ve studentských pracích“ a představuje shodu autorského kolektivu z
How to Prevent Plagiarism in Student Work
Published: 03.02.2021
The handbook for academic staff is the output of the centralized development project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports "Strengthening the prevention of plagiarism in student work" and represents the agreement of the author's team from eight Czech universities. It summarizes the basic in
Published: 17.01.2021
Qëllimi: Synimi i këtij udhëzuesi është të sigurojë një përmbledhje të qartë rreth temës sërevistave të dyshimta dhe të konferencave të diskutueshme, me këshilla se si t’u shmangeni. Kyudhëzues qëlli