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ChatGPT a hodnocení v předmětech: základní principy a tipy
Published: 11.02.2025
Tento stručný návod poskytuje vysokoškolským vyučujícím základní tipy pro to, jak pracovat s ChatGPT ve svých předmětech, a to především jak jej efektivně využít při přípravě zadání a při hodnoce

15 strategií pro odhalení prací psaných na zakázku (tzv. contract cheating)
Published: 11.02.2025
Materiál je určený pro vyučující vysokých škol, kteří hodnotí písemné práce nebo projekty. Obsahuje 15 krátkých doporučení, které vyučujícím pomohou odhalit práci, kter&aacut

Doktora Öğrencileri için Kontrol Listesi – Eğitimciler için Notlar
Published: 07.02.2025
Short description of the material "Checklists for doctoral students: Publish your research work with academic and research integrity".

Danışmanlar için Kontrol Listesi – Eğitimciler için Notlar
Published: 07.02.2025
Short description of the material "Checklist for Supervisors: Help your students write and publish with academic and research integrity".

Yüksek Lisans Öğrencileri İçin Kontrol Listesi – Eğitimciler İçin Notlar
Published: 07.02.2025
Short description of the material "Checklist for Master Students: Write your thesis with respect to academic integrity and research integrity".

Akademik Dürüstlük Öğrenci Kontrol Listesi (description)
Published: 06.02.2025
A short information sheet describing the material "Academic Integrity Student checklist".

Yüksek Lisans Öğrencileri için Kontrol Listesi
Published: 06.02.2025
The aim of this checklist is to assist master students in writing their thesis in accordance with the norms and values of academic and research integrity.

Danışmanlar için Kontrol Listesi
Published: 06.02.2025
The aim of this checklist is to assist supervisors in the supervision of master's and doctoral thesis writing and publishing in accordance with the norms and values of academic and research integrity.

Doktora Öğrencileri için Kontrol Listesi
Published: 06.02.2025
Checklists for doctoral students to assist doctoral students in writing their thesis and in publishing in accordance with the norms and values of academic and research integrity.