
Any legal entity involved in educational activities (no matter its geographic location) can become an institutional member of ENAI. Any individual interested in academic integrity can join ENAI as an individual member.

Members' Benefits

  • being a part of the community and its collaborative platform
  • demonstrating a commitment to academic integrity values
  • differentiating your university from the competition
  • building new partnerships
  • accessing ENAI Discord channel for communication with other members
  • tapping into ENAI’s accumulated knowledge and expertise
  • drawing on high-quality consultants, experts and speakers
  • participating in educational and training activities
  • accessing resources and online training
  • guidance for enhancing institutional integrity policies
  • accessing the ENAI ethical approval process
  • influencing ENAI network activities
  • voting to elect the ENAI Board and Auditing Group (only institutional members)
  • being elected to the ENAI Board or Auditing Group
  • nominating people for ENAI Awards
  • bidding to organize ENAI conferences and events
  • having discounted fees for events organized by ENAI
  • SurveyMonkey license - Advantage plan (if you are interested, contact us at:

Membership Fees

Institutional Member

Annual fee: 500 EUR (Valid for 12 Months)

Individual Member

Annual fee: 50 EUR (Valid for 12 Months)

The fees are used for operation of ENAI. See detailed use of the budget in the annual reports or the particular transactions on our transparent account in Euro or our transparent account in Czech crowns.

Application Process

  1. Applicant submits an application for an institutional member or for an individual member.
  2. The application is sent to the Board who reviews it and alternatively approves it (this process usually takes several days only).
  3. ENAI office notifies the applicant, sends the instructions for payment (see the available methods bellow) and issue an invoice for the membership fee.
  4. When the membership fee is payed, the applicant becomes a member. ENAI administrator provides them access to the members’ section and invites them to ENAI What’s App.
  5. All members are announced in the list of institutional members and individual members after their agreement.

In case of any questions regarding the process or processing your application, please contact us at

Payment of the Membership Fee

When the membership application is approved, ENAI administrator will issue an invoice and invite the member/supporter to pay.


The membership fee can be paid with one of the following methods:

Bank Transfer

Bank name: Fio banka, a.s.
IBAN: CZ3320100000002101309137

Via ENAI e-shop (by card)

Visit ENAI e-shop
