Synonyms: Auto-plagiarism, Covert duplicationDuplicate publicationDuplicationRecycle [plagiarism]Redundant publicationSelf-plagiarismText-recycling

1) The author adds additional data and/or information to his/her previously presented or published work and may change title, modify aim of the study, and/or recalculate results.

(2) Instead of creating an original piece of work, the author adds additional data and/or information to his/her previously published work and changes title, modifies aim of the study, and/or recalculates results. There is no cross-citation to the author’s own previous publications.

Adapted from: Dhammi, I. K., & Haq, R. U. (2016). What is plagiarism and how to avoid it? Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 50(6): 581-583.

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