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Contract cheating – Training module for HEI instructors

Published: 27.11.2019

Target group of instructors: advisors in academic integrity; policy-makers Summary of content: Definition, facts and materials about contract cheating Update on recent intelligence and research on contract cheating Raise awareness of evolving threats Collect thoughts, experiences and ide

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Academic Integrity Seminar

Published: 25.11.2019

About The Seminar The Academic Integrity Seminar is a demanding, personalized online seminar administered to students at colleges and universities across the country. It is used for ethical development programming, honor council and hearing board training, and as remediation for violations of u

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Tips For Presenting Scientific Images with Integrity

Published: 25.11.2019

This material provide a brief description of tips for presenting scientific images with integrity.

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RCR Casebook: Stories about Researchers Worth Discussing

Published: 25.11.2019

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) oversees and directs Public Health Service (PHS) research integrity activities on behalf of the Secretary of Health and Human Services with the exception of the regulatory research integrity activities of the Food and Drug Administration.

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Etično delovanje v raziskovanju in praksi

Published: 11.11.2019

Struktura Etika in raziskovanje. Primeri neetičnega delovanja. Osvojene lekcije. Povzetek. Osnovne informacije Ciljna skupina: študenti. Povzetek: štirje primeri neetičnega delovanja, ki lahko služijo kot osnova diskusiji o etiki. Cilj: dvigniti ozaveščenost pred z

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Nepremišljena odločitev

Published: 11.11.2019

Pripravljen je za takojšno uporabo, vsebuje didaktične opombe in vprašanja za diskusijo ter/ali druge naloge. Več primerov je na voljo na ENAI database of educational materials. Ciljna skupina: dodiplomski študenti, mladi raziskovalci. Povzetek: najhujše sankcije v p

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Sladko maščevanje

Published: 11.11.2019

Pripravljen je za takojšno uporabo, vsebuje didaktične opombe in vprašanja za diskusijo ter/ali druge naloge. Več primerov je na voljo na ENAI database of educational materials. Ciljna publika: študenti prava. povzetek: posledice akademske nepoštenosti (pogodbenega g

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Kötü bir akademik çalışmayla intihal arasındaki sınır çizgisi nerede?

Published: 28.10.2019

Seminerin Düzeni İntihal örnekleri İntihalin ve akademik sahtekarlığın tanımları Örneklerin değerlendirilmesi İntihal yapılma nedenleri Tartışma Özet: Atölye, katılımcıların konu başlıkları ve tartışmalar hakkında düşünmelerini sağlayan bilgi ve faaliyet

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Práticas das revistas predadoras: um estudo de caso

Published: 28.10.2019

Informação básica Audiência alvo: Estudantes do ensino superior (de qualquer ciclo de estudos). Resumo: Alertar os investigadores, em particular os autores inexperientes, quanto à falta de comportamento ético por parte das editoras e recomendar procedimen

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Real-life example: Predatory journals practices

Published: 24.10.2019

Basic information Target audience: Higher education students (any level of studies). Summary: To alert scholars, especially novice authors, about unethical behaviour from journals and to recommend procedures and policies to be followed. Objective: To offer some guidance for authors and highligh

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